The teaching of traditional weapons is inseparable from the practice of Vietnamese Martial Art.
In ancient times, each region of Viêt Nam si specialized in a different style: for example the province of QUANG BINH (center) , was one of the most reputed places for cane training.
Most of the traditional weapons came from peasant tools, the only weapons that could_cc78190 5-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_oppore to the different invaders who passed through their territories.
The basic weapons for Qwan Ki Do practitioners are:
Bong - long stick
Long Gian - jointed sticks
Song Cot - short sticks
Moc can - sticks with handle
Moc Guom - wooden saber
Ma Dao - scimitar
Yen Dao - Rondine knives
Song Diep Dao - Butterfly knives
These are followed by the more particular ones such as: Halberd, Spear, Fan, Sword, Saber, Chain, Axe, Shovel etc ...