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Dai Dao (alabarda)

"Always High Shield and Sharp Weapon" 

Trentino Alto Adige Region Technical Manager

Roberto Cainelli, truly Trentino, was born in Trento on 7 June 1965, lives in Sopramonte, a suburb on the outskirts of the city. He works in the restaurant sector in the family restaurant which he took over several years ago with many sacrifices.

Roberto is passionate and a great reader of the history of ancient Rome and the Middle Ages.

After having practiced team sports for a long time and having attended weight rooms for several years, he approaches the practice of Qwan Ki Do.

Two lessons are enough, we are in 1986 and since then, he has never stopped believing, researching, working and transmitting an Art that will radically change his life, friendships and work.

Making the thought of Mother Teresa of Calcutta "Everything that is not given is lost" his way of seeing teaching and the transmission of his knowledge.

After a few years (3rd Cap) he collaborates in teaching and then leads a center in Pergine Valsugana which supports a couple of seasons.

In this period he also trains in the center of Trento where he supports the Regional Technical Manager in conducting the courses and in spreading Qwan Ki Do in the Region.

In 1991 he opened and became Manager of the Lam Son Center in Rovereto, in 2003 he opened a new Center in Sopramonte. In the two clubs, courses for children, teenagers and adults are held immediately.

Also since 1991, in addition to the gym activity, she organizes and collaborates with the municipality to form women's self-defense courses with the aim of satisfying the numerous requests and providing her skills to the people who need them. The proceeds of these courses have always been donated to a serious charity association very dear to him called "Aidateciasalvareibambini" based in Rovereto, which operates in a Moscow clinic to help children with cancer and their families.


Roberto Cainelli is Regional Technical Coordinator and was National Manager of the personal defense sector.  He collaborates with various teachers in carrying out important internships and masters organized by the Italian Union.


Organizing, managing, experimenting, being punctual and knowing how to mediate are his best qualities, as demonstrated by the fact that he is appreciated and respected by students and instructors as a good athlete and teacher, and the desire for knowledge led him to attend courses that earned the license to be able to carry out the activity of sports masseur and weight and fitness instructor.


The work in Martial Art as a whole represents friendship, love, pain, joy, respect, disappointments… defeats and victories which are also companions of our life. Constant practice and growth in Qwan Ki Do can help in everyday life to face and manage these aspects.

In Qwan Ki Do he found friendship in many practitioners, but also affection and an excellent advisor and guide in Master Roberto Vismara and certainly redeeming this debt to his Master will be in continuing to follow the Dao according to the teachings received.

In June 2011 he obtained the rank of 4th dang and in May 2021 the rank of 5th dang.

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©2023 by Elisa Cainelli

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